Education, Publications, Journals, and Research
Watch and Listen More...
- Understanding the Nguni Breed of Cattle: More Wild than Domesticated (click here)
- Nguni Cattle: Video from the archives (click here)
- Edwin Rous: Breeding incredible African Nguni cattle in Australia (click here)
- Jake Wolki: Nguni Cattle and the Australian Beef Initiative (click here)
- Bryant Ussher: Chemical Farmer to Regenerative Nguni Cattle (click here)
- Running out of Time | Documentary on Holistic Management (click here)
- Nguni Cows (click here)
- Majestic Nguni (click here)
- Henham Nguni Cattle (click here)
- From head to tails: The genetic origins of Nguni Cattle from Southern Africa
- From head to tails: The genetic origins of Nguni Cattle from Southern Africa
- Grass-fed beef - the future for Nguni cattle
- The origin and genetic composition of Nguni cattle in South Africa
- The quest for ecological cattle farming with Nguni's
- Cross-breed with the adapted Nguni breed for highter returns
- Nguni cattle ready for climate change
- Reproduction - the most important trait
- New perspective on the origin of Nguni cattle
- Descriptions of Nguni Cattle
- Record breaking high altitude Nguni
Research more...
- Influence of first calving age and nutrition on the performance of early mated Nguni heifers
- A note on the early calving of beef heifers
- A comparative study of beef cattle breeds in Namibia
In the News...
- Nguni cattle, gourmet mushrooms pave way for farmers to tread lightly on Noosa hinterland farm (click here)
- Nguni South Africa (click here)
- Nguni Namibia (click here)
- Henham Ngunis: The Brand of Purity (click here)
Recommended Reading...
- The Nguni of the Makhathini flats by Ed Schroeder (click here)
- The Abundant Herds by Marguerite Poland
- Man, Cattle, and Veld by Johann Zietsman