Nguni Cattle
The versatile Nguni breed is the trump card in any farmer’s hand in the sustainable production of beef and genetics. Nguni Cattle are the answer for sustainability, low impact grazing, and organic production.
Why the Nguni Breed?
Nguni cattle offer a unique, economically sustainable advantage to the beef farmer and are the natural choice for informed business managers of beef production systems.

Their application in different production systems:
• For the breeding of registered, stud Nguni cattle.
• For the breeding of first generation crosses.
• For opening young heifers, especially in dairy cattle.
• For the breeding of composite breeds
Natural selection contributed to the development of different phenotypes. This ensures genetic variability within the breed and adaptation to a large range of ecological areas
Their unique pigmentation offers protection against eye and skin cancer.
Calves show a high growth tempo from a low birth mass and weans up to 50% and more of their mothers weight. This ensures highly efficient production.
Cows are highly favoured as a dam line to produce cross-breed calves that thrive in grass fed beef production systems.
The uniquely coloured hides are an added bonus as a very sought after byproduct.
The Nguni is hardy, tick and tick-borne disease resistant, can tolerate climatic extremes and its higher, internal urea levels enables it to convert low quality grazing into saleable beef.
Nguni’s browse and graze and they have the ability to cover great distances over poor terrain to forage and get to water.
Their ability to “finish” faster off grass ensures an efficient conversation of grass into expensive beef and the potential to produce more kilograms of meat per hectare.
The breed is known for its exceptional fertility, ease of calving, good mothering ability and a high conception and re-conception rate even in extreme conditions.
Low maintenance and veterinary cost, reduced labour demands and feeding cost and a high utilisation of existing feed sources all contribute to improved profit margins.
Their placid temperament ensures ease of handling which reduces the demand on extensive cattle handling facilities and saves labour.
Early sexual maturity, particularly in heifers.
Longevity and high reproduction means lower replacement costs and the optimisation of good genetics.
Mortality rates from birth to weaning are very low.
The milk quality from Nguni cows is above average and cows can be milked domestically and utilised for beef production.
The meat quality and taste is of the best compared with other beef breeds.
Nguni Herd, Gundaroo, NSW